Wednesday, January 8, 2014

That Perfect not really that perfect

Everyone wants that perfect photo right? That one that is of your beautiful wife and kids with your pet dog that sits in your office all day, or that family photo that is just the right kind that everyone envy's.
As a photographer myself I am obsessed with this idea of the "Perfect Photo". Where everything is in order; the aperture and shutter are aligned, the sun is where I want it, the scene is a one in a lifetime location- everything is just perfect. Several websites post their tips on taking the perfect photo. they even give you steps,like how to do a PEMDAS math equation. Websites like wikihow, and Digital Photography School offer incite on how to take that perfect photo. 
these are all very good places to go to learn how to make excellent photo's and I will not stop you from going out there and learning the skills that make anyone a pro. However, you do realize that those perfect photo's are airbrushed right? All photographers use programs like Adobe, and Photoshop to make you feel better about the shot, and backdrops... your family photo really wasn't taken on the beach of Hawaii, it was taken in a studio with a brilliantly placed backdrop.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH NATURAL BEAUTY!!!! can't we take someone's looks, without the makeup, and airbrushing and accept their natural beauty? As annoyed with these programs as I am, I also see the benifits though... people want to look beautiful...I just think that sometimes they try too hard... and let society shape what beauty is. enjoy your kids missing tooth, every scar, every weird haircut and haircolor. being yourself is something that you can't edit in, so why try to change what makes every person different instead of making everyone barbie perfect?

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