Wednesday, January 8, 2014

That Perfect not really that perfect

Everyone wants that perfect photo right? That one that is of your beautiful wife and kids with your pet dog that sits in your office all day, or that family photo that is just the right kind that everyone envy's.
As a photographer myself I am obsessed with this idea of the "Perfect Photo". Where everything is in order; the aperture and shutter are aligned, the sun is where I want it, the scene is a one in a lifetime location- everything is just perfect. Several websites post their tips on taking the perfect photo. they even give you steps,like how to do a PEMDAS math equation. Websites like wikihow, and Digital Photography School offer incite on how to take that perfect photo. 
these are all very good places to go to learn how to make excellent photo's and I will not stop you from going out there and learning the skills that make anyone a pro. However, you do realize that those perfect photo's are airbrushed right? All photographers use programs like Adobe, and Photoshop to make you feel better about the shot, and backdrops... your family photo really wasn't taken on the beach of Hawaii, it was taken in a studio with a brilliantly placed backdrop.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH NATURAL BEAUTY!!!! can't we take someone's looks, without the makeup, and airbrushing and accept their natural beauty? As annoyed with these programs as I am, I also see the benifits though... people want to look beautiful...I just think that sometimes they try too hard... and let society shape what beauty is. enjoy your kids missing tooth, every scar, every weird haircut and haircolor. being yourself is something that you can't edit in, so why try to change what makes every person different instead of making everyone barbie perfect?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Photo/ video shoot

I have my first photo opportunity on Friday. I am so excited. I don't know what I am going to do about what I have and need a program to run the video's that I want to do, but there will be Awesomeness..... definite awesomeness.

Sunday, April 28, 2013



So I know I said that I wouldn't post until I got back from Alaska, but I recently went out on a hike to Cougar Mountain National Wildlife Park and took some pictures, I'll post them in my nature page, so you can see them. I hope you enjoy them.

Friday, April 12, 2013


I have been very bad at posting, I apologize. I have been working and doing school. (Wait, isn't your photography your, I wish but no.) I should be sleeping right now, but I can't sleep, so I thought I would get you up to speed.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I am going to Barrow, Alaska for a mission trip with my church. I am taking my camera with me. I will do my best to take photo's. I cannot promise that they will look fantastic, but they will be pictures. ^_^

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

here is the deal!

Facebook used my information, apparently I'm still on Facebook, but I"m not adding anything. and my internet has sucked lately, so i'm not going to be adding anything, but especially not from Facebook. they have lost my interest and my trust.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Holiday After-Math

So!!! who is tired from all the insanity of Christmas? I know I am. I didn't take many photographs, but the photo's that I did take were digital, and mostly for family purpose. I don't know if any of them are any good. I got to spend some time with my family and some with friends. Going to the Christmas eve service at my church in Renton and forgetting my camera was one of the worse mistakes that I have made in my innocent camera career, but I"m sure the Camera Gods will forgive me. How was everyone else's holiday?

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Double Exposure on a Digital Camera

So, I took the liberty of taking some photo's of lights this evening. Well, Yesterday because of the fact that it's midnight right about now in Washington and I am still wide awake. That's totally cool though because I am listening to an awesome radio station on Pandora. and I can't sleep when the music is so great. SO I"m up posting and hoping that people like my photo's.

I wanted to share this photograph with you because I thought that it was interesting and something that probably has been done before, but I did this on accident so I wanted to share it with you all. IT"S SO COOL !! in my mind >.> anyways ^_^ I took this photograph while I was out looking at Christmas lights, which I haven't done ever really, and I saw this one house that was really pretty. I had only brought my little Nikon coolpix and so it was going to be really bad or OK  the window was up and so I didn't know if it was going to work, but I tried anyways. The flash went off and this is what I got. My guess is that my camera flash, reflected back on the window a bit, and reflected my hand and a bit of the camera, but went through on the rest because the flash was only on for so long. I hope you enjoy it.
Happy Holidays,
~Kaja King Photography